4 肺癌筛查应该采用哪种影像检查方式() What kind of examination should be used in lung cancer screening() 4、肺癌筛查应该采用哪种影像检查方式() What kind of examination should be used in lung cancer screening() A.低剂量螺旋CT Low dose spiral CT(LDCTB.DRC.B超D.MRI 答案解析
1 在B超图像上 回波信号显示为() In B-mode ultrasound image the returning echo pulse are displayed as () 1、在B超图像上,回波信号显示为() In B-mode ultrasound image, the returning echo pulse are displayed as () A.脉冲 pulseB.灰度点 gray dotsC.亮点 bright dotsD.闪烁点 blips 答案解析