
Why do the students say this:A.To recommend ag

2022-08-02 00:16:54 问答库 阅读 168 次


Why do the students say this:
A.To recommend against buying stock in a corporation
B.To explain why consumers need to be very cautious
C.To give reasons why governments regulate corporations
D.To complain about negative trends in advertising请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢!


解析:Why do the students say this:
"Well, to prevent fraud against stockholders, for one thing. Also, to protect customers from fraud, like false advertising."
"To protect the workers. For example, laws against child labor ... and unsafe working conditions."
The students' purpose is to give reasons why governments regulate corporations. The professor asks The economic role of the government has grown tremendously over the past century, as more and more corporate activities have come under regulation. Why has this happened? The students respond to the professor's question. (2.3)
