
Write a letter according to the following requ

2022-08-02 00:08:53 问答库 阅读 168 次


Write a letter according to the following request, write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.


正确答案:Agency RelationshipWe thank you for your letter of ×××With regard to your proposal of the establishment of direct business relations we are wondering whether the volume of our business merits the establishment of such a direct relation- ship. As you may be aware of the fact that the volume of business between our two countries is rather limited at present. And the present procedure of directing your transactions to us through the Union Bank of Switzerland Zurich can serve the purpose quite well.We shall certainly keep in mind your proposal and when need arises. We shall consider the matter. We sincerely hope that our frank expression will win your understanding.
Agency RelationshipWe thank you for your letter of ×××With regard to your proposal of the establishment of direct business relations, we are wondering whether the volume of our business merits the establishment of such a direct relation- ship. As you may be aware of the fact that the volume of business between our two countries is rather limited at present. And the present procedure of directing your transactions to us through the Union Bank of Switzerland, Zurich can serve the purpose quite well.We shall certainly keep in mind your proposal and when need arises. We shall consider the matter. We sincerely hope that our frank expression will win your understanding.
