
Which of the following statements can correctl

2022-08-01 20:57:46 问答库 阅读 167 次


Which of the following statements can correctly define a foreclosed property?
A.Foreclosed properties are those that have been repossessed by the bank for non-disbursement of the mortgage.
B.Foreclosed properties are those properties that have been claimed by investors for nondisbursement of the mortgage.
C.A foreclosed property is one that has been repossessed by the owner by paying off the mortgage.
D.A foreclosed property is one that property investors are competing to obtain for profits at an public auction.请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢!


解析:该题考核内容为第二段,考查“被取消分期付款权的贷款房产(foreclosed property)”的定义。从第二段的第一句话可知:被取消分期付款权的贷款房产(foreclosed property)指的是,放贷者以房产所有人不支付抵押贷款为缘由而收回的贷款房产。从此段第二句还可以得知,“收回者”(即“放贷者”)通常是银行。从最后一句话可以得出“被取消分期付款权的贷款房产(foreclosed property)”通常由银行从房产所有人处收回产权。故再来看选项。A项的说法跟原定义几乎是同样的表达,不同的地方只是用“the bank(银行)”替换了原句中的“the lender(放贷者)”,从分析中可以得出,the bank就是“the lender(放贷者)”。故据此可以判断,A项为正确选项。B项错在使用了“investors(投资者)”来代替“the bank(银行)”。C项显然是错误的。D项显然也没有讲出重点,不是“被取消分期付款权的贷款房产(foreclosed property)”的概念。故B、C、D项都是错误的选项。
