
How to be a great test taker Sometimes it seem

2022-08-01 18:42:06 外语考试 阅读


How to be a great test taker
Sometimes it seems that life is just one big test. Pop quizzes. Chapter tests. Final exams. The daunting national examinations for those planning to go to college. You can"t even get your driver"s license without passing a test.
"Tests are a part of life," says Judy S. Richardson, professor of reading at Virginia Common wealth University in Richmond, Virginia. "We take tests all of the time. I recently had to take one, even at my age, just to apply for a research grant. We may have to take them to apply for a job; or to joint the armed forces."
Importance of Tests
Tests are not just commonplace; they"re also important. "Our society places an emphasis on test scores," says Maureen D. Gillette, associate dean of the College of Education at William Paterson University in New Jersey. "Most colleges and universities look at SAT or ACT tests as a measure of a student"s potential for success in college. Students should realize that some people and institutions will make certain judgments about them, whether accurate or not, based on test scores."
Talk about pressure! With so much depending on the results, exams can be over whelming. But they don"t have to be. The right frame. of mind and the use of smart test taking strategies can help any student succeed.
Benefits of Tests
Too often, people take a negative view of tests. Yet they actually have some positive "features, according to Richardson. "Tests help us practice sharp, alert thinking," she says. "Answering test questions involves more than knowing a specific, literal answer. It also means knowing how to read between the lines, and then apply it to a situation. That is what we are expected to do every day, and so tests may help us be ready for that daily experience.
Goals of Test-taking
In addition to these benefits, though, the primary goal in test taking is to do well. For some students, the objective might be a passing score. For others, the desired outcome might be an A grade. But what is the best guarantee of doing well in the testing process?
Proper Preparation
The most basic factor, experts agree, is preparation. "Always be prepared for the test," Richardson advises. "Take notes, ask questions, read the material, guess what the teacher will be asking. Then when you see the test, you will have a confident reaction. You will be able to think clearly and do better on the test."
On the other hand, failing to prepare is the biggest mistake you can make. This may seem obvious. But in addition to lacking the necessary knowledge, lack of preparation can weaken your mental state.
"If you do not prepare all along, when you see the test, you may panic," Richardson notes. When fear creeps in, even the best student is unlikely to succeed.
Making Use of Your Materials
Preparing for exams can include a variety of strategies. At a minimum, any important material should be read at least once, and preferably more, until you have absorbed the main points. Simply scanning over textbooks or notes is not enough.
"Reading it once is not studying," says Dr. Michael Epstein, professor of psychology at Rider University in New Jersey. He advocates taking a structured approach in which students review information both before a test and afterward.
Before taking an exam, you should commit important concepts to memory through focused study. Try using whatever memory techniques work best for you. This might mean writing notes, asking yourself questions and then answering them aloud, or employing clever memory devices.
Managing Time
Key to the process is time management. Don"t assume you can wait until the last minute and then make up for lost study time. Rather, be sure to prepare in advance. After all, you know tests will be coming up in virtually every course you take. Similarly, tes

