
Which of the following if true would best re

2022-08-01 17:35:42 外语考试 阅读


Which of the following, if true, would best reconcile the claim that developing nations like India "actually emit more greenhouse gases than many industrialized nations" with the previously stated claim that "the per-capita emissions of greenhouse gases from these nations are so much lower than those of industrialized nations"?
A.India has larger populations than any industrialized nations.
B.Once India develops economically to a level comparable to that of an industrialized nation in Europe or North America, it is expected that these previously developing countries will have to limit their carbon emissions as well.
C.The concept of "greenhouse gases" is controversial because it has not been proven definitively that the "greenhouse effect" exists.
D.Some of the most advanced forms of industry, such as the computer industry and biotechnology, emit far less greenhouse gases per unit of economic output than less advanced industries, such as agriculture or heavy manufacturing.
E.Economic development in developing countries such as India is hampered by lack of investment capital, lack of economic infrastructure, and the presence of persistent social problems that hinder government efforts to spur development.

