
The professor briefly describes developments i

2022-08-02 00:14:14 问答库 阅读 168 次


The professor briefly describes developments in home building. Put the developments in the order in which they occurred. Drag each answer to the space where it belongs. [*]
A.Round structure built of stone
B.Building with multiple living units
C.Round hut made of branches and leaves
D.Box-shaped structure with four walls请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢!


解析:The professor says (1) ...home building began with very simple round huts'...; ... tree branches were leaned up against one another...then the frame. was covered with leaves...; (2) Round huts progressed from being temporary shelters... into stronger, more permanent structures built of stone; (3) The box shape was a major development in home construction. By making the sides of the house rectangular, and then covering the four walls with a roof...; (4) After the room came the multi-unit dwelling: the apartment house. (2.6)
